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ITALIA: what else?

In merito al soggiorno in Germania tutto si è svolto al meglio, sia nel campo che in famiglia, mostrando da parte dei Lions e specialmente degli organizzatori e dei group leader estrema e minuziosa organizzazione,  seria professionalità, ma anche disponibilità e umanità. 
Al termine del campo ci è stato fatto compilare un feedback che è stato consegnato ai Lions.

When I landed on June 12th in Frankfurt I really realized that I had to on my own. Firstly I meet some difficulties with speaking English but after I got used and I think I've improved my speaking skill. I really had a great time in the Ising host family, everyone considered me and my experiencemate Mario, from USA, as two sons. At the first
night we went to a meeting with all of the Lions members of that district and I had the possibility to speak and meet a lot of people who spend their time for guys like us in order to support very deep and important experience. 
Also during the following days and the camp period, we met other Lions and I can say that are very modest and watchful people who are very interested in knowing new habits. 
The family gave to me and Mario the opportunity to visit a lot of important tourist points in our town, Marsberg, such as an old tower, a  wood factory, a brewery. 
Two mornings we event went to school, where we attended some English lessons and also some German lessons, but we didn't get one word. During the family period we had some meetings with the other guys of the camp, so we had the opportunity to know each other quite well before the beginning of the camp. 
I think that these meetings are very useful, not only for us but also for the families.
One night we cooked American food and the night after I made pizza and pasta. 
Cooking is a very important activity that gets close different cultures. 
Our host father, who is an architect, brought us in some buildings sites, where we saw new techniques of buildings. We also visited the biggest computer museum in the world, in Paderborn and we also had a round there, where we could enter in the dome. 

With the family we went in some traditional restaurants where we tasted typical German food and also beer. I really appreciated the German habits and I think that the family period is very important to draw a little picture of  a new culture.
After two weeks we moved on the lakeside (Sorpesee) and we had a party with all the families. It was really emotional, there was some music and something special of every country. In the camp there were 18 people: from India, Brazil, China, Usa, Ungary, Lituania, Georgia, Malaysia, Bulgaria, Turkey and Italy. We did a lot of sport, such as golf, wind surf,diving, geo catching, bicycle, football, volleyball, archery, climbing. These type of activities strengthened the bonds between us and allowed us to have a great time.
We also visited Cologne and we went on a tour of the Sauerland, the area. We went to a lot of traditional feast where we danced and tasted the traditional German beer; I really enjoyed there because I could see the true habit of that area and Germany. We "visited" the Borussia Dortmund stadium where we took some photos like a football team. 

The camp period was very funny, for example one night we sang around the fire, another night we had a party. But not only amusement, being so close for 2 week allowed us to know each other very well, especially with the roommates. I shared the room with 3 guys from China, India, Brazil and we laughed as i never did. We also spent one day in voluntary work for the community; I went to the hospital. It was a very deep experience, especially in giving to the old and ill people an opportunity to spend a different day. On the last night we had a farewell party, it was very difficult to take awareness the we were going to come back home, but also sharing memorable moments. I think that the emotions the I and i think I con say We felt can not be described, because the emotions surpassed on the right the words. 
To sum up I had a really great time in Germany and I met and discussed in a positive way with a lot of foreign people. 
I have also known and taken awareness of the Lions club and how these people are amazing and work for guys from all over the World. 
I would like to say to the Lions to keep on doing the great job that they are doing. 
Thank you.


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