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ITALIA: what else?

My holiday for the first time with the Lion in Denmark was very nice.
Since the landscape, weather and language are so nice.

I had a really nice host family in Allingabro, Djursland, the Justesen family. Heleen, an Netherland girl, also stayed there. Our host-father helped planning the camp, he´s member of lions, so he already knew that we would have two very intensive weeks in Helgenaes after the homestay.
So the family had planned a lot of spare time for us. We went out every day. We got the chance to sleep late in the mornings and to spend our evenings watching tv, reading books or chat on the internet with family and friends. Even if I had got some problems because I don´t know English very well but Heleen does, so many time I only heard conversation between the Netherland girl and Justesen family, but It was my problem if I didn´t speak so much.

The camp, was exciting. We had an intensive programm . We've done a lot activities, expecially outdoor. We had nice weather almost every day in the first week, so we were quite lucky. In that camp there were many people from different countries of all the world and it was positive to know the different elements like hairs or behaviour and custoums because everyone spoke English most of the time. A lot of friendships were made across the world also thought our camp-leaders that were very nice and ready to help me also when the jealloufish attack me in the sea, but sometimes they were to strict about the time to wake up or go to sleep ecc. ecc. The average age was about 17 years old like me and there were boys and girls and it was nice to comphrens the mental of other boys "to confront" with the mental for example of the boy in my country?.
I actually hoped to see the Danish culture another time in my life, because  I want to see more cities in that country, that I never saw in that camp even if my host family, Heleen and me travelled a lot of time to see museums in other city or shopping in one city near Allingabro.

I did have a wonderful time there.thanks for the possibility to travel for the first time there.....


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