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ITALIA: what else?

I am Cecilia Patuzzi and I came from Italy. I live in Rovereto, a little city near Trento. In my family there are 4 people: my mother Laura, she is a teacher; my father Roberto, he is a businessman; my brother Riccardo, he is 13 year old; and I. I finished high-school this year and I'm planing to go to university.
I arrived in Finland the 20th of July, in Helsinki; Reimo Lammi's family picked me up and we arrived in Kokkola at night time. In Kokkola Reijo Alakoski and his family were waiting for me, they were 7 people. We went for a coffe in ABC and then drive to Reisjärvi. It was late night when we arrived in their home, but it was nice to see the new house and my pretty new room.

When I woke up in the morning the all family was waiting me to have breakfast. We ate and then we went frisbee golf in Petäjämäki. Next day we have been in Tuuri, a big shopping centre far away from home. There I spent a good day with my two finish sister and Ari, the boyfriend of one sister. Then we have been n a beautiful place called Maasydänjärvi for an ice cream during evening time and we spend some time together. We have been in Haapajärvi  and also in Ylivieska many times for little shopping. Last but not least we went to Vuokatti! There I went skiing in a ski tunnel, I tried roller skiing, I have been to Angry Birds activity park and we had a lot of nice walks. 
We had sauna almost everyday and I met and spend time with the other lovely family members.
After 2 weeks , I packed my stuff and I went to Villa Elba. Villa Elba is a place inside the forest and is a fantastic villa for young people. There, we did a lot of activities every day and meet young people that came all around the world. I spend a lot of time with an Indian guy, a Canadian girl, a German girl and a Belgian girl. I chat with them every time and we organize to meet again next summer with all the other guys. 
In these lines I tried to describe an experience that cannot be described with normal words. I had such a good time with my finish family and I call them family, because they treat me as one of their children. Alakoski family will remain in my hart forever!  I will never forget Finland, the kindness of the people that I meet there and all the guys that became important friends just in a week.
Last but not least, I have to say a big THANK YOU to the Lions that gave me this amazing possibility.


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