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ITALIA: what else?

I have been in Germany from 19th July to 09th August. I remember that during the flight I was a little bit scared ‘cause I didn’t know how my family would be and if I would be able to communicate and understand everything, ‘cause my English wasn’t so good. I’ll ever say that it has been the most beautiful and exciting experience of my life and I hope that a lot of guys will have the same opportunity.


I spent the first week with a very kind and nice family, living also with a girl from Belarus who came with me to the camp. I already met my friends from all over the world on 21th July. We were in a group of 22 guys from 14 nations. There were guys and girls from Poland, Norway, Finland, Mexico, Hungary, Georgia, Serbia, Croatia, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Denmark, Turkey and Italy. The members of the Lions Club prepared a great programme with every kind of activity. We have been in museums, in the city centre of Frankfurt and Wiesbaden, to a climbing park, we also canoed and cycled for 15 and 40 kilometres and visited the Frankfurt airport. I remember that at the beginning in family but also in the camp it was difficult to know new people ‘cause I’m shy. But we immediately became good friends ‘cause we shared everything. It has been a very good opportunity to speak English but also to learn something about other nations and people.

It has been fantastic. I’ll remember it all my life. 

If you’ll go to Germany, I hope you like Würstel and sparkling water.



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