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ITALIA: what else?

Since silent gratitude is no use to anyone
I hereby stand on behalf of all my lovely friends to show how deeply thankful we are to each and everyone of you here who made our stay extremely marvellous
In this short period of our stay we saw a new land, new people, a new culture, a new world...
First of all you gave us shelter
you gave us water when we were thirsty
you gave us food (mattpakke) when we were hungry
you've shown us real love, care and most of all, kindness.

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see

we would thank you from the bottom of our hearts and grateful for as most of you might know, gratitude is the memory of the heart
one can pay back the loan of gold, diamond or crystal but one dies forever in debt to those who are kind 
therefore we stand here
feeling an unusual sensation
if it is not indigestion
then i guess it's gratitude
thank you for giving us joy
thank you for loving us and for receiving us wonderfully
thank you for the memory we will all cherish forever.



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