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ITALIA: what else?

My culturale exchange in Slovenia has been wonderful! The first week I was put up by an host family. This family, composed of the father, the mother, the sister (of my own age) and the brother, was very nice, kind and friendly with me. I was like a member of the family for them and they were like a second family for me. The guys of my host family were very nice and I had a great time with them. I have visited many slovenian churcs, villages, monuments and museums:
Slovenia is a wonderful country! 

In the evening we went to play biliardo, to eat some kebab and to the cinema. After this week I have been in the youth camp “Catch the rainbow”. The camp staff was very nice and friendly; in this camp I met guys from Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Moldavia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Sweden, Turkey and USA. I think that this thing is very importand because I had the opportunità to know other cultures and traditions and in the same way we had a common thing:we spoke English language. During the camp I have visited important cities like Piran, Korte, Maribor,…
We went to swim, to play beach volley and to dance. We slept in some apartments very nice; they had the kitchen and the balcony!
During the camp we did some workshops: one of them has been very instructive and important. With this workshop I became blinde for little time and I think that the life of blinde people is terrible! Other workshops were amusing, like that one in which girls danced with oriental cloche in front of the boys.
I think that this experience has been the best of my life!  


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