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ITALIA: what else?

It was an amazing experience, it involved me a lot and I've called my family just 3 times in three weeks!!
the first week I spent with my host family that was from Poland but lived since 2001 in Sweden, they were really goodmanners and generous with us, although the host-parents had to work they had 4 children, the bigger of 22 ages that let us see the city and various location around Vimmerby.
In the first week I live also with other 2 people: an Israelian girl and a Japanese guy which I made a really good friendship!

some evenings we went out to meet with the other people of the youth that lived near Vimmerby, the week passed so fast! but the others were quicker!
We were with other 26 guys from all over the world! Mainly European country but also an American and Japanese and also an Israelian girl.
The camp was far away from the city, in the forest near Hultsfred but it wasn't a problem :) fortunately the program was builded to let us alternatively day of " relax" and day of activities, however in the day where we were free we could do the activities we wanted like going to the lake ecc. and we could see some wonderfull places! In the "activity" days we went to the national park of Astrid Lindgreens, the writers of pippi longstockings, that born in Vimmerby.
We also saw the moose in a small park that contains 13 of them and also some deers, they were afraid of us! a whole day was spent for sailing! In Vastervik with some Lions members we sailed!! it was really good...and windy!! we were 3 guys in each boat with a lions member that helped us. Various other activities includes Go-kart, where we created a Grand Prix beetwen us or like treasure hunt in the city to let us discover the main building of the city 
and his history. 
Under our request the lions member took us in the middle of the forest and let us there with a compass and a map and tell us to come back to the camp! 
The travel took more time than we planned but we seen some fantastic place perfect to rest haha!! 
We also tried to fish some shrimp, in most cases without success but the "fish king" was obviously a Japanese that catched 12 of them ( I managed to catch only 1 ^^ ).
This and a whole lot of other activities made the 2 queckest week of my life :)! the day of our leaving was really sad because only at the end you realized how much you know each other in just 2 week! it changed my life. I say thank you to all the members that let this camp happens and also to let me partecipate!


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