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ITALIA: what else?

Eccomi qui!
Devo ancora totalmente riprendermi da questa pazza esperienza.
Vorrei raccontarvi com’è andata ma la mia testa è un brain storming di “cose” non meglio definibili…. Ho amato ogni singolo momento, ogni singola emozione, ogni singola parola.
Il gruppo è meraviglioso, abbiamo legato fin da subito e quello che mi resta di loro adesso è un bellissimo ricordo e una bellissima amicizia (abbiamo già organizzato di sentirci stasera su Skype!).

E’ andato tutto BENISSIMO, anche quando le cose per un qualche motivo si mettevano male siamo riusciti a superare tutto come un gruppo, tutti insieme, meravigliosamente.
Questa esperienza mi ha arricchito talmente tanto come persona che non riesco davvero a darle un valore: è impagabile.
Sono davvero tanto grata a voi per avermi permesso di conoscere questa realtà e per avermi permesso di parteciparvi.
Quello che mi resta di questo campo adesso sono i ricordi, le amicizie e la mia meravigliosa bandiera con le dediche dei ragazzi e dei “coach” (anche loro persone splendide). Non so che dire…
Allego qualche foto.

Here I am to say something about one of the most wonderful experiences I had in my life. 
23rd July: I leave my home in the morning and at 3 pm I am already at my host family’s house. 
From that Saturday my adventure began: the first week I had the possibility to visit the city of Augsburg, a good place rich in things to see. 
Thanks to the lovely mine and to the other five host families in Augsburg that arranged everything for us (me and the other guys who were staying in Augsburg) we had a great sightseeing tour, we visited the zoo and the botanical garden, we enjoyed a crazy amusement park, we had a visit in the interesting and interactive textile museum…

The first week was fun and gave me the possibility to meet and to get to know five amazing guys of the camp. So, on Friday 22nd July we left all together for the Munich train station. There we met other 13 guys (three more were going to join us in the following days), the amazing camp director, Gerald Kreuwel, who did everything with professionality, the camp coach, Harry Schwimmer, a lively and energetic person who arranged everything for the camp to be so amazing, and the coach assistant, Eva Kreuwel, who helped us in everything we asked. We spent the following two weeks joying sport activities in Scheidegg, great city-tour in Augsburg and crazy and amazing activities (like a bike tour under the rain and fox flying in the Olympia stadium) in Munich. Activities were indescribable, but people were more. In that two weeks I get to know 21 amazing guys from 18 different countries of all over the world: it was an explosion of cultures, life styles and thoughts and it was amazing. That’s the richness I have after the Bavarian Youth Camp 2016: I expanded my horizons in an immeasurable way, and it’s something for what I will never be grateful enough. We had a wonderful time in Bavaria and we had the possibility to start an amazing friendship that I hope will last for a long time: we are now already organizing a reunion for the next summer! 

I am so grateful to the Lions Clubs to let me have this experience that changed my life and my horizons.





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