Firstly I want to say thank to everyone that help out during the camp. Thank you for made this awesome experience possible and for all the time and hard work that you spent for us. Thanks goes also to Sandy, for the warm and genuine welcome that gave to me and her District A-711 that greeted me and the other 3 youth during the month.
This experience played an important role in my life.
Before coming to Canada and meet all the other youth I didn’t really felt part of a world but part of my own city or my own country.
I wasn’t feeling interested in world problems because I used to feel them too far from me. I used to see myself too little and powerless to get into these matters. Now feel more like part of big world, where I can do something to change it in a better way and I see every single country next to mine. It “raised my head” from the routine.
The camp was very good ran, with various activites and day trips. We visited Niagara Falls, Niagara on the Lake, Toronto, doing crazy stuff like Jet boating!!
The staff was warm and welcoming and the spirit was very well-balanced between seriousness and entertainment. During the first two weeks I saw deeply the life in Toronto, I tasted so many different food by Lions club from different country and various restaurants. With the help of Sandy we participated in Toronto Pride, Sight Seeing tour, gym, cinema, Blue Jays match, Toronto Carnival preparation, Kayaking. She let us know these and loads more city entertainment often enjoying us (hihihihi)!! And that is impressive thinking that she hosted four youth!!!The beauty thing about Toronto is the multicultural life that you can find there, it surprise me a lot. It also astonished me the different style of life and habits that you have in Canada, completely different from Europe. The life at the camp was also stimulating and interesting…….I have never felt bored just for a minute!!!
I hope I had been a good ambassador of my country and hope I grew your interest in Italy.