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ITALIA: what else?

I flew very early in the morning from the airport Innsbruck to Frankfurt and further to the Newark Airport in New York. The first big impression was the very big airplane, because  the airplane from Innsbruck to Frankfurt, was a realy little one, only four seats per row and suddenly I had a very big one with 9 seats per row. The best thing was that everybody had his own televison, where you can watch movies, listen music and follow the fly. 
For me it was amazing.

The first thing I was thinking when I made the first step out of the airplane „I made it! Now I am really in the United States of America! Fantastic!“ Before the real life in America could began I had a lot of security to across. The security is since the 9.11.2001 very strong. The police man wanted to know how long I will stay here, the reason why I came and if I have things which I bring to the US, for example fruits, plants and food. After the security my family was waiting for me and from the first minute we had a great time together. On the way home we had to pass the city because my hostfamily lives on Long Island. I saw Manhatten in live, it was unbelievable. The towers, the yellow taxis, the people, the brigdes and the statue of liberty.
The feeling to stay for to weeks here was not to describe. The first picture which I made was the statue of liberty. After a long cardrive we came home, and the daughter Marina opened for me the door and showed me her room, which was for this two weeks my new room. It was so cute, a pink wall and a violett carpet. A little princess room!!! At night there was near the house a fairground, where the young people had a lot of fun. a At 12 p.m. there was a big firework because two days ago was the independence day.
They dont have fireworks at the end of the year like we in europe. So they said to me it was the „welcomefirework to New York!“ for me. so nice. And then I was really very tiered after this very long day.
At the weekend we had two barbecues. I never saw before like this big barbecue. The whole family, a lot of friends and the most important thing a lot to eat. The first barbecue was the celebration of ending the high school from one of the cousin from Marina and on the next day the second was welcomesparty for me from Marinas friends. Mama mia, they had a big garden. It was fantastic. We had a very nice and funny day with them. On monday we started our trip to the New York City. In the city we made one of Barbaras (my hostmother) sister, Patti. Patti has a wonderful appartment, where we could stay and sleep for this two days. 
In the morning we walked from Manhatten over the Brooklyn Bridge to Brooklyn. It was hot hot hot, but very exciting. On the Brookyln Bridge I made a lot  of pictures, I had a feeling like I am staying in a movie, because everthing which I saw, I normally can only see at home on the TV. It was amazing. In Brooklyn we ate an ice cream and then with the taxi ship we acrossed the East River and we arrived the cost directly to the Wall Street. The towers were high and very big. Under this towers we walked and watched the area. In the Wall Street we ate a very good frezzing yoghurt with fruits, jammy jammy. This is a new kind of ice cream but with yoghurt and less caloriens, but delicious. 
In this financial district everyone was dressed like a businessman with suit and dresses, because most people work in the banks. Certainly I made a pictures with the bull. Then we went to the Central Park and made there a wonderful round. In the afternoon we went on Broadway and watched in the evening the musical Hair. To watch on Broadway a Musical is an experience. The actors, the story and the atmospheare was gigantic and to see all the tourists and people which are walking on Broadway. Wow!!! On the next day Marina had her dancelession on the Broadway Dance Center. For me it was a dream to go once in this Dance Center. 
So great. You can not believe how this girls can dance. The level here is very high. When I compare our lessions whith this lesson, is our level very low. The Maria Cimadom! 15.09.2011
girls moved like robber dolls. I could watch them a whole day, but the time was running very fast and we had to do a lot of things. During Marinas lessions Barbara and I went in the City for shopping. I bought a lot of souvenirs, T-shirts with I love NY, postcard and clothes. At the way home we went to the Natural History Museum where the movie „Night at the Museum“ was shooted. I was happy to see this place, because I liked this movie. At night our two days in New York City where finished and then we drove home. At the next day we had together with the grandmother dinner and played Scrabble, which was not so easy for me because I had to thinking in englisch, but we had a lot of fun.
On day we drove on Long Island to the Summer House of Roosvelt. It was a wonderful place. The house is lieing directly in the nature. Roosvelt was a hunter, and thats the reason why he had in this house everywhere stuffed animals. Our hunter guide said to us that all animals from the Natural History Museum were killed from Roosvelt in Africa and he brought them by ships to europe. Great that I learned something about the history.
Well, the weekend was coming and we drove under the River through the Lincoln Tunnel to New Jersey to visit the other sister Kathy from Barbara and her family. The tunnel is 30 meters under the water. I had not a very good feeling when we drove through the tunnel because I was afraid. At the way to New Jersey we made a stop in Hoboken, because one of the girls from Patti made on The Steven Institute of Technology a summer camp, so I got the possibilty to see the life from the students on an American University. This day was the hotest day since long time, we had 104 F like 45 grad celsius. We didnt to do that we can get colder, this was really horrible. So we decited to go very quickly to the beach and the ocean. When we arrived New Jersey we drove by bicycle to the ocean. I never before saw the ocean and much less swim in it. It was late so the waves were not so high, but Kathy explained me that in the morining they will be very high.
The country was great for relaxing, because the people were quite and a fine atmosphere. You can reach all shops with bicycle, so you dont need the car. For holidays perfect!!!! On Sunday in the moring we went on the beach for fitness, a great experiences. 
Kathy and I made fitness and Marina yoga. Very great but for the body very hard because of the hit. After the work we jumped into the ocean. 
On this day I really saw the real waves. I only could say amazing. So we spent the whole day on the beach and had a lot of fun. After this great weekend we drove home and made a relaxing day, with watching movies, playing games and talking.
Because the dollar price was for our euro very good I bought me an MacBook. I am so broud of it and use it everyday.
On Wednesday we drove to Pennslyania, because Marina had a four day dance competiton. We made an one day stop in Philadelphia and we walked through the city.
We visited the Liberty Bell, the Constiution Center and we saw how to they make the coins
in the Mint Bank. The best thing was that you can visit the little house from Betsy Ross. She is the woman who painted the first the american flag. After this tour we ate in a very good restaurant. This house was years ago a firewire house, so you can see old things on the wall from them. It was funny to see this. Well, then we drove to the hotel to check in. I never saw before a hotel like this. Here you could find everything. Amazing. Near the hotel was a big outlet center, where you could find a lot of famous brants with very cheap prices!!!!! Certainly we went on this last day to the centers and there I spent my last money for clothes. At one night Barbaras niece Susan invented us for dinner in her appartment.
Not far from the hotel Susan lived. After the first dance competition we went there and we had a really nice evening with Susan and she cooked delicious!!! At the next day she phoned us that when we have time she showed us by car the Amish Country. I was very nosey, because before I came to New York I saw in the TV an documentary report of the Amish People. Kathy, Barbara and I drove through their country. On the roadside the Amish People had tables where they sell fruits, flowers,food, meat, bags and cheese. All things they made by themself. So we saw their carriage with the horses because they dont use cars. They live without electrial technology. Amazing. I saw a little boy with his father, Maria Cimadom! 15.09.2011 sooo cute, but it is forbidden to make pictures from them. We passed fields on the way home and at night we went to eat a pizza with the whole dance crew from Marina. On the next day I had to say goodbye to everybody because my trip was over. I was very sad, but I said to them I will send you a postcard from Italy and maybe they get the possiblity to come and visit Italy. I said goodbye and went to the airplane.
We promised that we will keep in touch.
Thanks so much the whole crew from the Lions International who organized this great trip to New York for me, it was fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!


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