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ITALIA: what else?

Hi! I’m Sara from Italy: I come from Brescia and this summer I joined Jimmy Ross Lions Camp in Amarillo, Texas.
I’ve been in Texas for four weeks: the former three weeks I was in a family in Midland and then one week in Amarillo for the Camp.
I loved staying with my host family because they were so hospitable and so kind with me: I really felt home!
Metta, my host mum, made me learn how to cook a real American breakfast and Jerry, her husband, let me ride his horse!


My host family and me at Midland Airport when I arrived there (so tired face!)

When I became a very Texan cowgirl!

I also need to underline that the Lions group of Midland is really active and incredibly organized: in Midland I was with a Finnish girl, Henna and a Brazilian one, Jocéli and the Lions prepared a schedule of our activities before we arrived: we were very busy but I loved this because we could really visit every thing and make experience of real Texan life! I also had a really good time with my new friends: we came from really different part of the world so it was so interesting speaking with them about our countries. 


The girls and me visiting                                 Our firs trip: Carlsbad            Our visit to the local TV studio
Odessa Lions Club                                     Caverns National Park in 
                                                                           New Mexico 


At Pecos Rodeo                                        Playing Tennis in Midland                  At the Baseball Match


At Summer Mummers’ Theatre                  At the Soccer Match                      At Petrol Museum


At Midland theatre with Anna,                            At the cinema                My italian recepy for the coking party
our Texan friend  

After the three weeks in Midland we started the best part of our Youth Exchange: The Camp! We met the other guys and Ryan, who drove us around, at the Midland Airport , then we went by bus to Balmorhea which is a town near Davis Mountains where there’s a State Park where you can dive into the cool waters of the world’s largest spring-fed swimming pool! 


We spent two days there and they were so relaxing because we could go swimming or sunbathing! After that we left for Amarillo where we stayed in an hotel. Also our week at the camp was very busy and, thanks to Ryan, we could visit very interesting things like the Mc Donald’s Star Observatory, some museums, the second biggest canyon in the USA, Cadillac Ranch… We were tripping all day long! And everything was so new and amazing for us!


                                 The Canyon                                                               Cadillac Ranch


 Trying to eat jalapeno: the most spicy thing ever!                Horse riding


The last evening at Ryan’s house


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