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ITALIA: what else?

Now that my staying in California is over it is time to write a report to describe this unforgettable adventure!
I left from Rome on the 6th July and after a really long journey because of a plane crash in S.Francisco airport i finally made it: I arrived in California, one of the most popular place that a teenager wolud like to visit. I must thank with the Lions also for the help they gave me during the travel.. I was stucked in the airport and my flight was cancelled but they arranged everything for me and I finally arrived in S.Francisco
Since the first moment there everything was perfect! 
I stayed for two weeks in a nice family with 3 other youth exchange students who were really friendly from the beginning. During the day we did lots of funny activities with our host family.

Our area, Discovery bay, was located near a river so we went almost everyday out with boats or jatsky. 
On top of that we also went visiting S.francisco and Sacramento. 
I really have to thank with Lions for these two weeks but of course I have to thank with Lisa and Paul Taylor because they opened their house and their hearts to me and they really treated me as a doughter. It is not so ovvious to feel home when you are far from your house and your family and you have to deal with people who have diffrent costums from yours.
After this two weeks I had to move to the South of California, about one our far from Los Angeles. 
There it was a little bit harder because I stayed alone with a quite old woman. She wasn't friendly at all with me. I have to thank with Italian Lions because they tried to do something to help me to  deal with her but I have to say that unluckily they didn't manage to change my family. For that reason i had to spend my time with her and it wasn't easy. 
We didn't do activities as all the other exchange students did and i had to stay with her... I didn't feel at home in her house and so it was really hard to stay there just me and her.
Also when we went out, hardly ever, it was difficult. I stayed with her old frinds and when we were just me and her it was also worse. She coludn't walk and do many things because of her age and on top of that she was also quite rude with me and the other excange students: for example once we went out at lunch time, she bought her oun food but she told me not to eat because probably I wolud have eat something at 5pm... so i had to watch her having lunch without eating. 
I wasn't the only one who noticed her unpolite behaviour and that's why I was quite upset because in California they didn't help me during my staying there and i had to spend to weeks there anyway. Likely we maneged to see the most famouse part of Los Angeles and we did some everyday activities so it was diffrent from the staying in the North but was fine anyway.
In the and I stayed for 5 weeks in a camp in the montains behind Los Angeles with all the students that were enjoying the youth exchange program. We didn't do many exciting activities there as we espected but it was great fun anyway because we were about 40guys staying all together all the time... that's why the time flyed!!!
Now that I am home I'm really happy about the chance I got from Lions. 
This is such a big opportunity to meet new people and make friends that will probably be your friend for the rest of your life.
Meeting diffrent people make you grew up and can open your mind so that you can see things from a diffrent prospective.
Thank you again for the opportunity you gave me.
I will be grateful to the Lions club for the rest of my life.


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