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ITALIA: what else?

20 - 08 -2017 begins a great adventure for me. I take direct flight to Romania, after about two hours I am welcomed to the airport by a charming and sweet lady.
Immediately there was a great desire to know us. In the afternoon I know all my host family and immediately made me feel a member of the family.
In the evening we welcomed another German girl.

I spent some beautiful days together with everyone. From the first day, my days were full of activities. I had the pleasure of knowing other members of the lions camp from the second day. We have done most of the activities all together. I think it was a great organization, too, because in this way I've been making great friends since then.
I spent the first week in the beautiful Bucharest. I had the opportunity to visit all of her beautiful buildings and monuments it offers. There wasn’t lack of fun and typical Romanian food.
I was really happy to spend a week with Jinescu family, they were really great. They have always been very nice, sweet and welcoming. I have a strong bond with them, in fact I will meet them again in the future, I hope as soon as possible.

On 04-09 the campus started. all together we campers traveled on a bus to reach Corbu resort. The campus was very nice and comfortable. there were a beautiful pool, soccer field and equipped for many other sports. All the people I met, from the representative to the helper , were really great, they met our every need.
I have been very enjoyable and especially interesting. I have had the opportunity to meet kids from many different cultures, such as turkey, israel, belgium, portugal. I loved the dinner made by us, with our typical dishes, it was great because it allowed us to know even more deeply.
The campus was amazing.

Last year my experience in New Zealand was different, but equally fantastic. I'm really happy to have had the opportunity to live this different experience.
I think every trip helps us grow, gives us so many new ties, but specially, it gives us so many new emotions.
Thank you Lions!


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