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ITALIA: what else?

In the period leading up to my departure the thing that concerned me the most was the duration of the program: an entire month away from home and, above all, my friends.
However, thanks to the warm welcome and great Australian hospitality, I had completely forgotten that fear within hours of landing.
The journey there was long: 33 hours “door to door” as my final destination was Tasmania.
Because of host families availability, during the winter school holidays, I stayed with two different host families so I got to experience two very different family styles, but both shared the true Australian spirit: generous and fun.

I think I must have visited every corner of wonderful Tasmania and my host families shared with me all they knew about it.
I was very well looked after.

I enjoyed the Australian Camp as it gave me the opportunity to meet people from different countries and compare experiences.
We all got on very well and built a strong friendship which, thanks to social media, will last a long time. In the camp all the activities were well organized and the common denominator was Australian history and culture.
I think these exchanges are unique experiences not to be missed for any reason.
It is normal to be anxious about language, food and living with a host family but one should throw at it open heartily as it is a one in a lifetime experience.
I am truly grateful to the Lyons Club for giving me this opportunity: I will treasure forever the memories of my Australian experience


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