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ITALIA: what else?

Before this last summer i’ve never participated as camper in a Lions exchanges camp abroad and I’ve never been outside the European limits as well.
In July of this year thanks to three unforgettable weeks in Mexico I’ve been able to reach these two my life objects.
It all started on 8th july when I left the Europe for landing in one of biggest all around the world city, Mexico City then a more twelve hours flight.
Just having met my first host family in Leon airport, I immediately felt myself not as a abroad person but as if I’ve always lived here in this wonderful country, cause everyone joking and laughing with me welcomed me like one of them, firstly I was a little shocked by this unexpected Mexican people behavior but day by day I always more understood that they looked for making me feel like home, even if my real one was 10k km so far.

Unfortunately my host family could speak only Spanish, and having never studied it I needed someone who could speak English, but regardless everyday they took me to visit a lot of places always with a translator who explained me each details of what we were visiting making our trips so interesting.
The second week I had to leave my first host family starting the camp with others nine guys from Hungary, Finland, Slovakia, Brazil and Germany.
We started the camp in Leon and then we had a lot of fun all together climbing hills, spending days in amazing parks with lakes and waterfalls and visiting Tequila and Wine museums as well. The last week I moved myself in Acambaro a town that was always in the same region (Guanajuato) where I met my second hosting family, and I had stunning experiences with it too, like driving quod, visiting old volcano craters, seeing the dawn from a hill, climbing the Mexico city pyramids, participating to local music festivals.
After all these magical moments, my time in this charming land was over but all the people who I met here will be always in my heart and remembering each of them I’ll be able to relive all the amazing experiences lived with them and feel myself as if I’ve never taken a coming back flight in Italy.





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