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ITALIA: what else?

When I read about the possibility of youth Exchange in Japan, I have thought that it could be a great opportunity for me, but also that Japan is on the other side of the world thus there will be a lot of difference with food, language, culture and lifestyle.
For these reason I spent some time in order to decide if I wanted to try this new experience, but fortunately in the end I chose to candidate myself, and today I can say that it was the right choice. Anyway the Japanese youth exchange was my third youth exchange experience and this thing had an important role in the choice.
After this accessories information, I can start with the main part of my report; I want to tell you about my activity, my experience and my emotion.
I arrived in Japan on evening of 8 December and, at the airport, I found some Lions member with my host-father Nobumasa, that are waiting for me. They brought me at Nobumasa’s house in Tokiwadaira, not too far away from Tokyo, where I stayed for the next ten days. My first host-family is made up by Nobumasa and Masami, they are both veterinarian and manage a veterinarian clinic just below their house.

Paolo1Besides we joined at four Lions Club’s dinner; I really enjoyed my dinners time cause I had the opportunity to meet a lot of different people and every one of them was really kind and welcoming with me.
Nobu and Masami did their best in order to make me feel at home; they was really kind, funny and helpful with me indeed we had really good time togheter.Paolo2
After 10 days I had to change family but before that I met all the Lions youth exchanger and, all togheter, we spent one day in Tokyo Disneyland. It was really a great day and I met many new friends from all over the world.
After this I joined to my new host family, that is make up by Takenobu and Junko. They live in Mizuki, just 40 kilometers away from Tokyo. Mizuki is a little different from Tokiwadaira, and looks more like my home town.
During my last 10 days they bring me in a lot of different place, such as: Shibuya and Roppongi, Narita temple, ninja school, Kikkoman industy and Ushiku Daibutsu.
They were really good people that spend a lot of time in order to make my experience unforgettable.Paolo3
Every place that I have visited is really amazing, but of course I can’t talk about each one of them. Anyway my favorite place is Tokyo, that I really love cause is completely different from our Italian city, with Sky Tree and Shibuya, but I really like also Narita temple.
In the end of my journey I met both my host family at the airport, we had a drink all together and then I left Japan.Paolo4
Thank you very much also to every Lions Club that hosted me and works for the youth exchange program.
I really hope that one day I could come back in Japan, cause I’ve left a small part of my heart there.


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