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ITALIA: what else?

Italy is an amazing country and I'm so happy that I got to experience the culture, food and people.
I fell in love with Campo Emilia the second I arrived at the castle and looked out over the landscape.
Even though I had to climb one million stairs to get to my room, I wouldn't have wanted it differently because as soon as  I got to the top of the castle and looked out of the window, it was all worth it.

Something else that made all the difference was the people.

Everyone was so nice and I was surprised by how much we had in common even though we came from different countries and cultures.
I really liked that we were not only 2 but 9 in the room I slept in because that made it a lot cozier. 

Some of the best memories I have of the camp are from the Blind Dinner.
It suddly made it easier to see things from someone else's point of view. I don't think I've properly thought about how it is to be visually impaired and the struggles you might encounter before that night, and the ability to see is something that I don't want to ever take for granted again.

I also really liked Venice and all the colorful houses. It was really beautiful. 

I think it would have been nice if we'd had some Ice Breaker activities or something like that in the beginning of the camp, and maybe some time to explore the castle in the middle of the week.  

Kind regards 

Pernille Bjerregaard



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