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I am an Italian student who has currently returned from her first trip in Canada. I had never been on an YCE program previously, and frankly I was quite scared on leaving.

This experience helped me mature personally and engage with different realities and cultures.

I had my family bringing me to the airport and God knows how much I have cried before stepping on the airplane. However these fears were soon to be swiped away during the travelling. Don’t get me wrong, the trip was everlasting, it took us 10 hours to arrive, and the company wasn’t of the best; however, as the further from the ground the plane got, the more my fears were being taken over by excitement.


Ten hours later I landed in Toronto. It wasn’t long before I could notice two young girls coming towards me, followed by their mother. I was so overwhelmed with joy that I suffocated them all in a big hug. My host family, with whom I stayed for two weeks, was formed by two host sisters who were 7 and 12 years old, my host mum and my host dad. These people were the only certainty I had in Canada. They were soon to become a real part of my family. Not only were they my host family, but they were my friends. Every day they had something planned for me, whether it was riding horses, bowling, water skiing, visiting the zoo, goo karting, mini golf, going to the beach, visiting the city and especially churches and having trips on small airplanes in order to visit the country from a “different perspective”, they were always prepared to assure me the best trip ever. I could continue the list of experiences I had there, but the far most significant was the simplicity with which I became accustomed to that life.

Every day I would learn something new regarding that wonderful country. My family was able to give me a full “Canadian experience”, making me understand the culture and history behind that paradise on earth. On the other hand, I was keen in explaining my county’s culture and history as well, hoping that they would fall in love with Italy and come to visit me next year.

That’s why the hardest part of the trip was letting go of the family in order to go to camp. Frankly I didn’t want to go. I wanted to spend another week with my family. I have to say, the camp experience was quite disappointing from my perspective. There were just four of us and it clearly wasn’t organised. To worsen the situation I got sick the night before going to Niagara Falls; meaning that the day I was sitting on a boat, visiting one of the most breath-taking natural beauties in the world, I had the fever and couldn’t manage to stand without falling on the ground. The organisers weren’t particularly preoccupied, and that’s what disappointed me the most, as they left us alone, giving the other three exchange students the responsibility of keeping an eye on me. My host mum was so disappointed with the camp, she made sure my mother agreed on taking me out. The night, when I went back home to the family, I understood how lucky I was on having had the opportunity to meet those people.

In hindsight, I can say there is not one second I didn’t enjoy, whether it was when we went to the amusement park, or when we went to visit the world’s largest rubber duck, or when I taught my sister to cook pasta. However I can clearly state that the best experience I had in Canada, was the opportunity to meet and live with people who made me feel at home and part of their family. People who were ready to cross the country in order to be sure you were ok. People who I will never forget in my life, because they stole a part of my heart and kept it with them. Canada is a stunning country, but I had the privilege to experience it with people who made the country seem even nicer, and that’s why I want to thank them in particular. Also I would like to thank my parents who gave me courage and the opportunity to undertake this adventure, the Lions Club International and Mr Enrico Barbato, who work hard every day in order to make this the best experience possible for all of us. 


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