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First, I’ll have to thank you and your colleagues for giving me the opportunity to come visit you and experience your culture. Overall, my stay in Italy was wonderful, and if I was given the chance I would gladly do it again. I’ve split the feedback into the different places I visited to give you a better overview.

Matera: I think Matera was a great place to start the exchange program because of the people we lived with. I am under the impression that all the different host families knew each other well, which in return made it easier for myself and the other travelling youths to get to know each other. The fact that we could take part of the Festa della Bruna was also very interesting. The only thing I would suggest to improve the experience is to delay the visit until our host siblings had finished their exams, so that we could enjoy more time together.

HenrikLamezia Terme: At our second destination we spent more time with our host families than we did in Matera.
This was not a bad thing, because I got along well with both my host family and travel companion from Germany. Our family brought us along to different activities that they would usually do by themselves, and this was a great opportunity to experience more of the Italian lifestyle. Especially the water-skiing, he-he, even though that was not standard procedure. Additionally, we had some spare time in Lamezia as opposed to our time in Matera.
This was also a good ting as we could do whatever we wanted along with our host family/brothers. Enrik1

Napoli: Napoli was great to visit, as I had never been in an Italian metropolitan city. Walking down the never-ending and narrow market streets and enjoying the atmosphere was a great experience. Finishing the sightseeing round trip at the beach close to the city centre was also nice. However, we spent most of our time just walking for several hours covering long distances. If I had to do it again, I would suggest taking the metro or some kind of transport to a central place, and then have a few POIs nearby. The rest of the stay was great, much because of our host brothers who brought us along to spend time with their friends.Enrik5

Capri: After a couple of weeks containing many activities, it was very pleasant to finally get a few days of rest. Just being the seven of us staying with one family was nice as well, as we had become good friends during the past weeks, and we were comfortable around each other. The boat tour was a great way to get a view of the island, and I think it was well worth the hours of our short time on the island. Despite this, one of the most noteworthy things from the island is the crazy narrow streets. Even though the cars were 1 meter wide and the streets were 1,10 meters, they still drove with crazy speeds everywhere, haha.Enrik3

Cava was like a combination of all the previous cities. We spent time by the seaside, saw the legendary ancient city of Pompeii, and got to spend a couple of glorious days by the Amalfi coast. Unlike in the other cities, I stayed with the host family without any of the other travelling youths. Additionally, we got to know many of the youths from the other Lions camps during the Lions meeting in Cosenza, which was both exciting, interesting and it made the long trip worth it in my mind. During the conversations with the people from the other camp, they told me/us that they’d rather stay in a travel camp like us, instead of a stationary camp such as Vesuvio because of all the restrictions and their repetitive program. Enrik4

Thanks to the opportunity you and Lions gave me, I have gotten many new friends all around the world, and memories that I will always carry with me.


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