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Ciao a tutti! After 3 days passed without the camp, I remember the days I spent with such beautiful people. I just want to thank you all for this first and best experience of my life (as a camp leader) which will be stuck in my mind forever. I would like to say thank you to Margherita Muzzi , the person from where I heard about this camp and that gave me the possibility to participate. At first I was a little bit insecure, but my insecurity was immediately cancelled by a person: Ivo Benedetti.

With him I immediately “kept calm, relax” and get out from my insecurity because we agreed about every single way to organise the camp. He also gave me many instructions to become a “leader” and to make the rules respected with amusement and fun all together. 
Thank you to my best staff team, all the campers and all the Lions members. I love you guys. ♥️ 


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