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Hi everyone, 
There are too many things to say about these 10 days at the camp with y'all and i don't even know where to start.   
I can honestly say that at the beginning i wasn't really Happy to do this experience because I thought that this idea of inclusion was stupid since i have always been to camos without any problema but then i understood that this wasn't just for me but for all of us. 

Every activities that we did, like the blind dinner or the visit to the guide dogs, were for both of us and, it was the best part i think, cause it made you realized a lot of things about how people live differently and how hard It is something and It made me realized a lot of things too.

Living into the Castle was amazing but a little hard to rich out and even if It was hard for me i always found someone ready to help me if i needed It so thank you so much guys cause you are  amazing and i think we all learned something about each other thanks to this experience!

Thank you also to the leaders Who helped me evrytime and made me laught every second we were together, we are a big family guys and i will never forget any moment that we spent together!

Gaia - Italy


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