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There are not enough words to describe how incredible the Emilia camp was, it is an experience that leaves a mark on me and that will remain through the years.
Living in an beautiful  ancient castle, you can feel the history on its walls and imagine all the legends that were told there, just amazing!
I lived and traveled with more than 30 strangers, we were very different, we do not know each other, but little by little they became in my friends and even more, in my family.<3

I tried a lot of food, everything was delicious and I didn’t hesitate to try something new because everything was a new sensation for me.
The tour of all the cities was an extraordinary adventure, facing the crowds in the cities, trying to use a bit of Italian, using the time to explore all the city.

Barush Dinner
The activities, such as 2020AYWW, dark dinner, guide dogs, were very interesting, I learned many things that I would like to develop in my country. 
The person who arrived in Italy is not the same person who returned home. Now I know a different culture, I have a new vision of the world and that will stay with me forever.

Thanks to all the camp leaders and my camp friends, I hope to see you again


Ivan Barusch Guerrero García "Baruschito" - Mexico



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