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To be honest, first condition you need to accomplish if you want to take part in Campo Emilia 2018 is to have a lot of energy, will and stamina. Furthermore, you need to be capable of giving, sharing and having a high level toleration.
Or, on the other side, you can just come unprepaired and acquire all of them.
First thing that Campo Emilia thaught me is to know how to take into consideration emotions of the other people and how to help them if they need some kind of help.

Since this was my 3 YEP, I entered this camp with a lot of experience I gathered during my previous YEP-s and, because of that, I did not have problems to acclimate in a fast way.

When it comes to visiting other places, I can say that it was very difficult to endure the whole programme, but the campers somehow managed to survive it.
We were so lucky to have high-motivated camp leaders and camp director for working with us.
Campo Emilia is the reason that campers saw and experienced the touristic best places North Italy can offer.
All in all, I can proudly say that this was such an experience and that I met a lot of excellent and kind people with whom I will stay in touch, I hope.
Best regards,

Milos Nesic - Serbia


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