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Italy ❤
One of the most beautiful countries in the world, tastiest food and most romantic people. I’m in love with Venice and Milano. I hope to have a chance to discover more cities and visit more castles. 

Emilia camp ❤
Place where i discovered new cultures, new feelings and new myself. I had 10 most unbelievable days in my life. I had new friends. I had new interesting moments which will stay in my heart forever.

Castello di Rossena❤
I could never imagine that i would have a chance to live in a real castle. Waking up every day with amazing view and counting stars every night before sleeping is something i would do forever.

 I left a piece of my soul in that castle.



I am very thankful to everybody who decided to create this kind of camp and an opportunity to have this experience. 
This experience taught me to really appreciate what i have.
18th of July will always stay in my mind and heart.
We can never imagine world unless we see it, it does not matter how well others describe it to us.
I remember i was crying when i opened my eyes after blind dinner.
That second was the button which changed my life.
I think everybody should try blind dinner and not only.
Thank you once more and oh yeah don’t keep calm Italy, Anna will be back!❤


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