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My exchange to Italy was propably the best thing that has ever happen to me.
All the people, food and activities were amazing including the early mornings and late night walks all the way up to the castle. 
The first two weeks I spent with my host-family in Sassuolo. They took care of me and showed me a lot of new places.
My host-sister took me always with her and I got to know her friends and the way teenagers hang out in Italy.
Even though I loved my host-family I think the camp could be longer.
I’m happy that I met one of the campers before going to the camp so it wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be.

That’s why I think the host-families could do more together so it would help the exchangestudents getting to know each other before the camp.
10 days in the camp is not enough if you really want to get to know everybody. 
The camp was the highlight of my trip.
I thought all the places that we explored with my family were cool but the camp took it to the hole next level.
I’m not a morning person and sometimes it was really hard to get up at 6 am an try to sleep at the bus but all the amazing things that I knew I’m going to do made it all worth it. Everything was well planned and the schedule was rigorous but sometimes it felt too much. I think we needed some more freetime and relaxing at the castle. 
The theme was very important and I think at least the blind dinner opened my eyes and made me realise what kind of challenges people are dealing with.
The kind of challenges that we think as foregone conclusion like reading or pouring water into your glass. 
The hardest thing for me was the meal rhythm.
Italians eat a lot of pasta and pasta and the meals were big and the time between the meals was very long when you compare that to the Finnish food culture.
I came back home with my pockets full of new memories and friends that I know I will be seeing in the future.
I want to thank everyone who made my exchange to Italy the best trip I have ever had.
It was more than I could ever imagine.



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