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From the day that I got accepted within this program, I got excited to start this adventure.
I’ve been familiar with the Lions Youth Exchange since I was 12, we had exchange students at home every summer. And I loved being a host sister.
But going on exchange myself was something I enjoyed even more.
This year I went for the second time on exchange myself, and I knew it would going to be great.
I want to thank the Lions from Campo Emilia for making this amazing exchange come true for people all around the world. This experience has thought me so many good things, and I am thankful for the positivity and openness within the group but also within the camp leaders.
So on the 29th of June, the real adventure started.

I arrived in Bologna and stayed for twelve days in a host family in Bologna. Within those twelve days, my host family showed me the history, culture, food and hospitality within Bologna. I fell in love with the city and the food.
After a couple of days, I went with them to the north of Italy into the mountains to a beautiful place named: Lago di Tovel. And as almost everything in Holland is flat I was surprised how beautiful the mountains were and that I was invited into their family, as my host mom was from that region. At the end of those twelve days, I said goodbye to my host family at the train station, where my second adventure began.
Arriving at Campo Emilia felt like the beginning of a great time. During these ten days, we did a lot of fun, inspiring and unforgettable activity’s.

We went from eating in the dark to a treasure hunt in Parma, which later resulted in an interesting and never forgetting treasure hunt at the castle.
Besides going on trips and visiting places, we also did a lot of group activities at the castle. I especially loved the ice-breaking games, where the group dynamic became stronger and people started to have a good connection with each other. From the variety of activities we did, I am happy that I could spend it with these amazing people.
And after those ten days, it almost came to an end.
I knew that it was not going to be a ‘goodbye’, but more a ‘see you soon’. And so that thought became reality. From this day on, I am still in contact with a big group of people from the camp.
We have been talking about meeting up and visiting each other.
I want to say thank you for this summer, this program has thought me so much and gave me a lot of positivity.
Lots of Love




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