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I arrived Bologna Airport the 1st of July, after some difficulties and delays.
Nevertheless, the very long trip to Italy was worth it when I got to meet my host mom, my Canadian host sister (Amelia) and Federico at the airport.
Our host mom drove me and my host sister to Camping Tahiti, her very own camp site in Lido delle Nazioni.
At first, I was a little worried that I wouldn´t learn anything about Italy from living at a camp site, but I was wrong.
I had a great experience there, and I learned a lot, especially about the Italian culture and language.
During the days there, Amelia and I hung out with other youths that worked there, and I felt very included from the very first day.
I felt like a part of their family. Cristina, our host mom, was very busy during our stay, but she did her best to make us feel comfortable and welcome.
I must say she did a great job ruling the camping at the same time as she was our mom.

Simone1After 10 days spent with our host family, Amelia and I took the train to Reggio Emilia. We met some of the other campers at the train station, and I must say that we all started connecting already from the first minute we met.
During our stay at Rossena Castle, we all connected perfectly, and everybody were doing things together. It was beautiful to watch all the youths from different parts of the world fit so well together.
Our days were filled with activities and trips to other cities and villages in Northern Italy. Every day was different! I feel like I have seen and experienced so much, and I instantly fell in love with Italy as a country. 
I must thank both Lions Norway and Lions Italy for this amazing experience. This trip went above and beyond all expectations, and I am so happy and thankful for everything Lions has done for me.
And to the people I met during these three weeks; I love and miss every single one of you.


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