This summer I've been given the chance to live one of the most beautiful experiences of my entire life: a 3 week stay in the Aquitaine region of France.
My journey started in Naples on the 19th of July. Unfortunately, that day all the airports of the world encountered serious problems with delays and canceled flights due to the worldwide Microsoft crash. In fact, due to a delay in Naples I lost my connection to Bordeaux, so I had to stay one night in Frankfurt.
Dal 21 luglio all’8 agosto ho preso parte agli scambi giovanili recandomi in Francia. I primi 10 giorni sono stata ospitata da una famiglia super cordiale ed accogliente nella loro cittadina, Charleville Mezieres.
Con loro ho svolto molte attività ed ho anche avuto l’occasione di recarmi a Parigi e a Lilla in compagnia della mia Host-sister.
E’ stata un’esperienza unica soprattutto perché in quel periodo Parigi ospitava le olimpiadi, e quindi il clima della città era molto più festoso ed allegro.
Salve,mi chiamo Vanessa Ramaj,ho 18 anni e ho partecipato al progetto Lions con un viaggio in Francia di circa 2 settimane. Sono partita dall’aeroporto di Roma Fiumicino e sono atterrata all’Orly di Parigi.
Il padre ospitante mi è venuto a prendere e siamo andati a casa,mi ha presentato la famiglia e mi sono ambientata. Mi ritengo molto fortunata perché sono state delle persone fantastiche,molto educate, diligenti, inclusive e ospitanti.
Lions youth exchange was my first experience traveling without my family in fact I chose an European destination to feel less far from home.
France was actually like this and for us Italians it was a sort of cousin and I easily got used to their traditions and customs especially in family.
I received great attention and love both in the family and in the camp and there was a constant presence from the Lions, also in the small town where the camp was located all the inhabitants recognized us and were greeting to us guys last not last it was exciting and unexpectedly easy to make friends with the guys at the camp coming from all parts of the world with whom you immediately created a solid bond
This experience gave me the possibility to live in another family and learn to manage myself with the guys always with the supervision of the Lions.
I can really say that it was an educational experience that allowed me to mature and grow my own self-esteem and give me independence.