To be honest, first condition you need to accomplish if you want to take part in Campo Emilia 2018 is to have a lot of energy, will and stamina. Furthermore, you need to be capable of giving, sharing and having a high level toleration.
Or, on the other side, you can just come unprepaired and acquire all of them.
First thing that Campo Emilia thaught me is to know how to take into consideration emotions of the other people and how to help them if they need some kind of help.
Campo Emilia taught me many things.
The most important being to never stop trying.
The first few days for me were hard, as I wasn’t making many friends and always found myself one step behind.
But as I tried to understand the camps purpose and talking with the campers from Italy, I realized I needed to focus on others and not on myself.
10 amazing days in The Emilia camp, i think it was one of the best days in my life.
living in a castle was incradeable!
Every day was different and interesting, camp leaders were amazing. We have visited many beautiful and important cities and places.
We were walking, driving a lot but we were not tired at all.
Than many funny activities at the castle.
July 18th
Blind dinner,
An AMAZING experience, this has definitely changed my point of view, you can never know how different and difficult something can be until you set yourself in the situation.
Every. thing that you do is defined by many other actions, making tea requires more then 10 actions, so imagine not being able to see a thing, imagine having to notice every little action so you won’t mess up and make a mess.
There are not enough words to describe how incredible the Emilia camp was, it is an experience that leaves a mark on me and that will remain through the years.
Living in an beautiful ancient castle, you can feel the history on its walls and imagine all the legends that were told there, just amazing!
I lived and traveled with more than 30 strangers, we were very different, we do not know each other, but little by little they became in my friends and even more, in my family.<3
Hi everyone,
There are too many things to say about these 10 days at the camp with y'all and i don't even know where to start.
I can honestly say that at the beginning i wasn't really Happy to do this experience because I thought that this idea of inclusion was stupid since i have always been to camos without any problema but then i understood that this wasn't just for me but for all of us.
This experience has been the best that I've ever had in my entire life.
I had the chance to visit a country that is extremely rich by its culture, and which I was dreaming about discovering for so long.
But most importantly, I got to know awesome people from all around the world, who were absolutely amazing the whole time, and share with them the most beautiful moments of my journey as well as the struggle which was faded by the intense moments
I lived with them.
This was my first student exchange and i must say it was an amazing experience.
I had alot of fun, made so many new friends. The camp leaders were so nice and friendly.
Being a vegetarian , food was the only problem i had. But it’s all okay compared to the memories i made.
Thanks a lot for hosting us and making this possible.
This experience was so amazing for me!
I knew new cultures, people and inacreditable places.
In Italy everywhere are magic and wonderful in my opinion. I love this country!
The camp was perfect and I really thought very important the activity "Dark dinner" because it feels me what is difficult the blind's life because they don't have every our indepence, so we should help them.
This was my first student exchange and i must say it was an amazing experience.
I had alot of fun, made so many new friends. The camp leaders were so nice and friendly.
Being a vegetarian , food was the only problem i had. But it’s all okay compared to the memories i made.
Primo anno al campo Emilia!
Bellissima esperienza che spero si possa ripetere in futuro.
Ho conosciuto persone fantastiche e inclusive con tantissima voglia di fare e di divertirsi allo stesso tempo!
Vi ringrazio davvero di cuore per tutto!
Ciao Loris e Chiara ,
Innanzitutto devo ringraziarvi tanto per aver fatto partecipare al campo Emilia anche 4 persone ipovedenti ( cosa che non è da tutti), quindi siete stati molto originali e speciali!
Per quanto riguarda l'esperienza vissuta, devo dire che non me l'aspettavo così bella ed intensa di emozioni: di fatto, all'inizio pensavo di non integrarmi bene con il resto del gruppo, cosa del tutto normale, visto che all'inizio siamo timidi, ma dopo qualche giorno ho fatto amicizie con il resto del gruppo e mi sono integrato moto bene. Essi hanno capito il problema alla vista e si sono resi disponibili al momento del bisogno ( per salire gli scalini ad esempio o per dirmi "Attento alla macchina").
Questa esperienza, inoltre, è stato molto istruttiva ed utilissima a livello culturale e sociale: nel senso che, abbiamo scoperto la cultura degli altri paesi e come si vive all'estero ( sistema scolastico, universitario, lavoro), cosa non scontata al giorno d'oggi.
I just want to thank all these amazing people for the beautiful moments we had in the camp together.
Each one of you has made this camp worth remembering!
A special thanks to Ivo Benedetti for the possibility he has given me to be your best staff member ever and to the Lions club that permitted to make this experience possible for all of us. These wonderful memories will be in my heart forever! Love you so much and hope to see you again soon!
Ciao a tutti! After 3 days passed without the camp, I remember the days I spent with such beautiful people. I just want to thank you all for this first and best experience of my life (as a camp leader) which will be stuck in my mind forever. I would like to say thank you to Margherita Muzzi , the person from where I heard about this camp and that gave me the possibility to participate. At first I was a little bit insecure, but my insecurity was immediately cancelled by a person: Ivo Benedetti.
With him I immediately “kept calm, relax” and get out from my insecurity because we agreed about every single way to organise the camp. He also gave me many instructions to become a “leader” and to make the rules respected with amusement and fun all together.
Thank you to my best staff team, all the campers and all the Lions members. I love you guys. ♥️
Sono Kean dalla Danimarca e quest'anno sono staff nel campo dei laghi del Lions Club. Ho 21 anni e ho studiato italiano per 3 anni nel liceo danese, ma oggi dovrò parlare in inglese purtroppo.
Last year I was so fortunate to be a camper myself at lakes camp and this year ivo gave me the opportunity to return as a staff member.
As a camper you get to experience and get to know different cultures from around the world. I got knowledge that I could not receive anywhere else than lakes camp of italy.
This year I got the opportunity to be a part of giving these beautiful young people the same experiences and emotions that are still stuck in my mind and my heart from last year.
I am here to present you my experiences during my exchange program in Italy. I am also representing my country, Turkey.
First of all, thanks to our director, Ivo Benedetti, for choosing me to make this speech.
I am Zeynep Yilmaz and I’m 19 years old. I live in Istanbul which is the most crowded city in Turkey. Turkey surrounded on three sides by the sea and has for seasons in one year. Our main language is Turkish and our regime is democracy. Lion students in Turkey have to take an exam and need to get a good score to have experiences with this program.
Il viaggio in Nuova Zelanda è stata una delle esperienze più belle della mia vita.
Sono sempre stata affascinata dal quel punto del mondo così lontano dall’Italia a 32 ore di viaggio.
Estate 2014: Scambi giovanili Lions in Olanda
Estate 2015: Scambi giovanili negli Usa
Due esperienze speciali, importanti, che mi hanno cambiato e fatta crescere. Dopo gli Stati Uniti decido che ho ormai ricevuto da questi viaggi tutto ciò che avrei potuto sperare, quindi scelgo di non partire più e dare la possibilità ad altri ragazzi di mettersi in gioco. Fino a quando però, lo scorso autunno mi viene proposto di partire per il Giappone per tutto il mese di dicembre. In quel momento ho sicuramente pensato a quanto potesse essere triste non passare il Natale con la mia famiglia, perdere l’inizio della sessione invernale all’università e lasciare la presidenza del distretto Leo.
When I read about the possibility of youth Exchange in Japan, I have thought that it could be a great opportunity for me, but also that Japan is on the other side of the world thus there will be a lot of difference with food, language, culture and lifestyle.
For these reason I spent some time in order to decide if I wanted to try this new experience, but fortunately in the end I chose to candidate myself, and today I can say that it was the right choice. Anyway the Japanese youth exchange was my third youth exchange experience and this thing had an important role in the choice.
After this accessories information, I can start with the main part of my report; I want to tell you about my activity, my experience and my emotion.
I arrived in Japan on evening of 8 December and, at the airport, I found some Lions member with my host-father Nobumasa, that are waiting for me. They brought me at Nobumasa’s house in Tokiwadaira, not too far away from Tokyo, where I stayed for the next ten days. My first host-family is made up by Nobumasa and Masami, they are both veterinarian and manage a veterinarian clinic just below their house.
Il viaggio in Nuova Zelanda è iniziato il 18 dicembre con un volo per Doha e si è concluso il 19 con il mio arrivo a Wellington dopo ben 36 ore di volo, nelle quali ho potuto conoscere meglio le mie compagne di viaggio Federica, Rosella e Camilla.
Arrivato a Wellington sono stato accolto da David Rumsey il mio host dad, che per non sprecare il poco tempo a nostra disposizione mi ha portato a vedere la città e il suo museo principale, il quale era pieno di manufatti Maori e altre cose interessanti.